What is Wallet, and how does it work?

The merchOne Wallet is a virtual wallet to handle all payments and transactions for our e-commerce sellers. This newly introduced update is designed to streamline your billing process and simplify payment transactions. 

merchOne wallet

How merchOne Wallet Works:

  1. Adding Funds: Deposit money into your merchOne Wallet using your added billing method. This allows you to easily manage your funds and prepare for future orders.

  2. Billing Process: When you place an order, the cost is automatically deducted from your merchOne Wallet balance. This ensures that payments are always processed correctly and promptly.

  3. Automatic Top-up: Using automatic top-up for your merchOne Wallet minimizes payment errors and delays. The automatic top-up ensures your account always has sufficient funds by automatically adding a specified amount of funds when your balance falls below a certain threshold.

Benefits of Using merchOne Wallet

  • With Wallet, you simplify your financial transactions and maintain better control over your expenditures.

  • Automatic deductions from your wallet balance for each order streamline the payment process, making it more efficient and less prone to mistakes.

  • With funds readily available in your wallet, orders are processed faster, ensuring timely fulfillment.

  • You can easily add funds to your merchOne Wallet manually using a credit card and/or with the automatic top-up function, which provides convenience and adaptability to your payment preferences.

The merchOne Wallet is an essential feature for handling all your payments and transactions. With this update, we aim to simplify your billing process and enhance the efficiency of order handling.